Changing unhealthy habits and behaviours accumulated over three decades can almost seem like an insurmountable task. And despite trying just about every diet and weight loss program on the market without success, my life needed a drastic overhaul as my health was spiralling out of control.
Joint pain, high blood pressure and low self esteem dogged me daily.
What I needed was a lifestyle change and not a short term fix like most of the programs which had failed me in the past.
When a close friend who was concerned about my declining health, contacted the team at NuYu Health Retreat on my behalf, I was more than sceptical at first but little did I know that this introduction would change my life and more importantly change my whole mindset regarding weight loss and healthy living.
Motivation and determination have been essential components in fostering positive changes in my life but these two alone have their limitations.
Through their exciting new approach to weight loss and exercise, the dedicated team at NuYu armed me with the knowledge and skills which fostered healthy eating habits and the ability to incorporate positive changes into everyday life which have guaranteed my long term success. They showed me that losing weight and becoming healthy, is not about starvation After just 4 weeks at their exclusive retreat, the weight loss and health improvements were instantaneous, I no longer had high blood pressure, I managed to lose over 15kgs, more than 75cms off my body and went from walking for 3 minutes to 45 minutes on a treadmill. That’s a 1500% improvement.
Since returning to my busy life, incorporating the NuYu common-sense approach to healthy eating and exercise has been much easier than I thought it would be. I have continued to lose weight every week and have now lost in excess of 140kg in just less than 2 years. I am now able to cope with stress and everyday pressures, without resorting to what used to be my emotional crutch, food.
Thanks to the seminars at NuYu, I no longer turn to food for comfort and as a coping mechanism to diffuse stress which has been a monumental change for me.
My time at NuYu was no walk in the park but with passionate instructors like Gavin Brooks with me every step of the way, sharing his wisdom and profound knowledge of movement, exercise and nutrition ensured that losing weight is not only a certainty but can also be enjoyable (I can’t believe I’m saying that).
Surgery was definitely a viable option for me but I’m proud to say that choosing that easier path may not have had the long-term health benefits that I am currently enjoying. Words cannot describe how much better I feel.
Today I am doing things that I have not been able to in decades, things like riding a bike, going to the beach, shopping in ‘normal’ stores and simply being comfortable within myself and able to do anything I please.
My life has been truly transformed and I am forever grateful to Gavin and his dedicated team at NuYu.
Tony Z