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Who doesn’t love being outside?! Whether you are hiking up a mountain, walking to the bus stop, doing some gardening, playing sport or walking the dog just being outside has the ability to make us feel good. In fact just being outside has a number of health benefits according to Harvard Health Publications. Here are a few good reasons to get outside and away from the computer, the television and all the other devices that seem to beckon more than they should;

Increase your Vitamin D levels

Getting some 10-15 minutes sun a few time a week can raise your Vitamin D levels, a vitamin that has been proven to have protective properties from osteoporosis to cancer, depression to heart attacks. Of course too much sun is not a good thing either so be sure to slip, slop, slap if in the sun for extended periods of time

Better your mood

Light, in particular sunlight tends to lift peoples mood as does physical activity, therefore spending more time outside being active will see many more smiles and much laughter

Improve your concentration

A simple walk around the park or green space has been proven to improve concentration and focus on a task at hand.

If you are looking to reap the benefits that the outdoors has to offer here are a few ideas just to get out and into the sunshine

  1. Take your lunch break outside. Enjoy your surrounds and what green spaces have to offer
  2. Get off the bus a few stops early or park a few blocks from your work place. Make sure you’re wearing your comfy work shoes
  3. Plant a vegie garden, harvesting your own vegies not only gets you outdoors but gives you a sense of achievement and satisfaction
  4. Go on a family picnic, explore a new area as a family, a great opportunity for bonding and appreciation of nature

So, go on, get outdoors and feel great!!

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